Moving Through Fear

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This has been my home for nearly five years. This tiny house provided a soft landing for me after the painful breakup of my 20-year relationship. Perfect for just me and Oscar; these four walls comforted us, held us and protected us when we needed it the most.

But now, it’s time to move on. My life is not (quite as) scary  – I’ve a blossoming business as a health coach and a new human love in my life. I’ve outgrown this safe little cocoon, so, at the end of the month, Oscar and I are setting off on our next adventure.

It’s super tempting to stay with what’s comfortable and familiar, even if it’s no longer working. I admit, that even now, long after the decision has been made and plans are being executed, I find myself thinking, “What in the f*ck am I doing? I have the best neighbors, an awesome front-yard garden, and the light is so beautiful on the Westside. I wonder if my landlord has rented my place yet…”

Then I remember the advice of my teacher Lucy, whose wise words now ring true, "All tricks of the mind, my dear." Fear is simply our brain’s way of trying to keep us safe. Yet we can be scared, sad, AND excited for what comes next. If we stopped in our tracks every time we felt freaked out, we’d never get anywhere. We can’t allow fear to stop us from moving forward and trying new things. 

When I worked in the corporate world, I travelled a lot. I loved it once I got to the airport, but hated packing, saying goodbye and the actual leaving part. For years, I kept this quote by Anne Morrow Lindbergh on my fridge: 

“Is there anything as horrible as starting on a trip? Once you’re off, that’s all right, but the last moments are earthquake and convulsion, and the feeling that you are a snail being pulled off your rock.”

Fear and trepidation, I know they're just tricks of the mind trying to draw me back to what’s cozy and familiar. But once I take this new trip off of that rock, everything will be all right. Indeed, the unknown could shake up my life in so many new and exciting ways. 

Is there someplace in your life where you need a nudge to step outside of your comfort zone? Are you stuck in habits that are no longer working? Coaching can really help. I’d never have been brave enough to challenge my status quo without the stretch and support of my coaches and teachers. 

Schedule your free breakthrough session today.