May Affirmations

May Affirmations

May is a magical month–she appears like a magician and waves her wand, banishing any lingering vestiges of winter. She transforms a formerly dull, dreary world into a colorful scene; grass greens, trees bloom and flowers show off their colors. The sky is a brilliant blue and we are bathed in golden sunshine.

I love May, how about you?

It’s the perfect time to check in with yourself…are you energetically emerging from winter’s cocoon? Or are you still a little sleepy and sluggish?

Spring Cleaning for Your Body

Spring Cleaning for Your Body

As of a few weeks ago, it’s officially spring! Who else is invigorated by the longer days and warmer temps? 🙋🏼‍♀️

I’m particularly energized because I’ve just completed both my boss lady work retreat (what I call my CEO Think Week) and my semi-annual personal health reset, where I take a break from inflammatory (and addictive!) foods like sugar, booze, and other processed foods. I like to call it my internal spring cleaning 😂.

Your Minimalist Guide to 2024

Your Minimalist Guide to 2024

Happy New Year!

I hope that your holidays were a delightful mix of fun, joy, and cherished moments. 🌟

And just like that, here we are again, beginning a new year.

Maybe you’ve made a resolution to do this or not do that. Good for you!

Maybe you’ve printed off a 21-day checklist, to keep you on track with a new or re-committed habit. Awesome!

Or, maybe like a few of my clients, you’ve chosen a word or a theme for the year. That’s cool. One client in particular inspired me with her word for 2024:


Living a healthy life does not have to be complicated. In fact, some of the most impactful needle movers to your health are free and readily at your fingertips.

When cancer hits home

When cancer hits home

Meet Rob: my life partner, my adventure companion and the leader of our pack.

Rob is the toughest guy I know. The dude is a machine. He’s an ex-Army counterintelligence officer, a 100-miler, and climbs mountains as if they were an ant hill.

However, life can be relentless and knock down even the baddest badass at times.

Sunday Scaries

Sunday Scaries

The Sunday Scaries: According to a LinkedIn survey, 80 percent of all professionals say they experience the Sunday Scaries, or anxiety about heading back to work on Monday morning.

My antidote to the Sunday Scaries does not involve checking my email, looking at my calendar or prepping for a presentation.

Radical mindset shift

Radical mindset shift

How’s your summer going? Have you had some relaxation time? A nice vacation? Or even a few lazy afternoons swaying in your hammock or lounging by the pool?

If your answer is “yes,” great!

If it’s “no,” did you know that your lack of downtime may actually be costing you focus, productivity and better health?

Oldest person in the room

Oldest person in the room

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”

If you’re in the business world, you may have heard this quote, which speaks to the importance of surrounding yourself with people who are more intelligent than you, so you are inspired to learn, grow and venture outside of your comfort zone.

I invite you to put a different spin on this concept:

“If you’re the youngest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”